Music and Arts Ministries

Media Ministry Leaders:
Roscoe Harris, Jr (Not Pictured)
Shawntae Amos (Nor Pictured)
Tyra Harris (L)
Mission Statement: The Media Ministry works behind the scenes making it possible to share the message of Christ through amplified sound, recordings, PowerPoint presentations and other forms of communication. Media ministers to a visually-driven, ever changing world through the use of technology and media.
Vision Statement: The Media Ministry is committed to providing multimedia resources in support of live services as well as to persons who may not able to attend our services in person, or just want to experience the service again.
What we do (Ministry Description): Provide the technical support required for a dynamic worship service. Also, record various events, teachings and sermons, which are made available for viewing at our web site.
Mission Statement: The New Hope Baptist Church Music Ministry, give glory and honor to God our heavenly Father and we spread his love to others through song. We have been appointed by God to help usher His people into His presence. As we release our gifts unto the Lord, the body of Christ becomes edified and the presence of the Lord becomes glorified
Vision Statement: Our vision is to unlock an Anointed and Heavenly sound that will bring forth healing and deliverance through the sound of music.
What we do (Ministry Description): Support the mission, vision, and values of the church and effectively establish an atmosphere conducive to transforming or maturing believers through vocal and instrumental forms that educate, edify, evangelize, encourage, engage, and promote personal and corporate worship.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to spread the Good News of Jesus and His glorious return to earth, whenever and wherever we are sent though the arts. ( Acts 1:8)
To minister to the total person by sharing God's word through creative expression.
Vision Statement: Based on the Word of God, we will express the love of Jesus by utilizing the arts such as dramatic skits and plays, liturgical dancing, mimes and even puppetry. This ministry is used to visually encourage and edify the churched and the unchurched, the saved and the lost, and to give hope to the hopeless, We will minister before church congregations, schools, youth groups, hospitals, nursing homes and any other social forum. IT is out vision to utilize the spiritual gifting of drama to touch the hearts and minds of God's people by enhancing the worship experience. Through diverse and effective productions, spiritual needs can be met while educating and illustrating God's message of truth.
What we do (Ministry Description): Performing Arts utilizes various God-given talents, gifts and skills to form various disciplines that are essential to everyday life. Our members are of all ages and serve in different capacities . The more experienced servants assist the coordinator/ director by coaching others in the following areas; directing , writing, acting, choreography, props, costumes, administrative functions, and many others.